The Future of HVAC: Preparing for the 2023 Seer 2 Mandates

As an expert in the HVAC industry, I have witnessed firsthand the impact that new regulations and mandates can have on both manufacturers and business owners. The implementation of the Seer 2 mandates in 2023 is one of the most significant changes coming to the HVAC world. These mandates will require all HVAC units to meet minimum efficiency requirements, which may mean upgrading to a high-efficiency system or adding an ERV system for some. So, what exactly are these Seer 2 mandates and how will they affect the HVAC industry? Let's delve into the details and take a closer look.

Understanding the Seer 2 Mandates

The term "Seer" stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, which is a measure of an HVAC unit's cooling efficiency over a typical cooling season. The higher the Seer rating, the more efficient the unit is.

The current minimum Seer requirement for residential air conditioners is 13, but starting in 2023, this will increase to 15 for most regions in the United States. In addition to the minimum Seer requirement, there will also be a minimum unit efficiency requirement. This means that not only must the overall system meet a certain efficiency level, but each individual component must also meet specific efficiency standards.

The Impact on Manufacturers

For HVAC manufacturers, these mandates mean that they will need to make significant changes to their production processes and product offerings. They will need to develop and produce units that meet the new efficiency requirements while still being cost-effective for consumers. This may involve investing in new technology and materials, which can be costly and time-consuming. However, it also presents an opportunity for manufacturers to innovate and differentiate themselves in the market by offering high-efficiency units that meet the Seer 2 mandates.

The Impact on Business Owners

For HVAC business owners, the Seer 2 mandates mean that they will need to be proactive in educating themselves and their customers about the new requirements.

They will also need to ensure that they are offering and installing units that meet the minimum efficiency standards. One way for business owners to stay ahead of the game is by scheduling regular heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system maintenance appointments for their customers. This will not only help to keep their systems running efficiently but also allow them to identify any potential issues or upgrades that may be needed to meet the Seer 2 mandates.

The Benefits of High-Efficiency HVAC Systems

While the Seer 2 mandates may require some initial investment and adjustments, there are many benefits to upgrading to a high-efficiency HVAC system or adding an ERV system. First and foremost, high-efficiency systems use less energy, which can result in significant cost savings for homeowners. They also have a longer lifespan and require less maintenance, which can save both time and money in the long run. In addition, high-efficiency systems can improve indoor air quality by providing better ventilation and filtration. This is especially important for those with allergies or respiratory issues.

Preparing for 2023

With the Seer 2 mandates set to take effect in 2023, it's essential for both manufacturers and business owners to start preparing now.

This means investing in research and development, educating themselves and their customers, and staying up-to-date on any changes or updates to the mandates. For homeowners, it's crucial to start thinking about upgrading to a high-efficiency system or adding an ERV system to their existing HVAC unit. This will not only help them meet the Seer 2 mandates but also provide them with long-term cost savings and improved indoor air quality.


The Seer 2 mandates for 2023 are a significant change for the HVAC industry, but they also present an opportunity for growth and innovation. By understanding these mandates and preparing for them now, both manufacturers and business owners can stay ahead of the game and continue to provide efficient and high-quality HVAC systems for their customers.

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